The laptop docking station was sent with the wrong power adapter in the box that was never going to fit, making it completely unusable! This throws into doubt any of the suggestion that this was properly and thoroughly tested, as surely that would have been noticed if all the component pieces had been tested together?
Additionally, I would not describe the unit I received as being 'excellent' in conditon. Whilst perhaps being slightly picky, there was noticable scuffing on the dock in various places that was easily visible. I still need a docking station, but I don't think I'll be ordering another renewed product based on this experience!
1.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 23 June 2024
The laptop docking station was sent with the wrong power adapter in the box that was never going to fit, making it completely unusable! This throws into doubt any of the suggestion that this was properly and thoroughly tested, as surely that would have been noticed if all the component pieces had been tested together?
Additionally, I would not describe the unit I received as being 'excellent' in conditon. Whilst perhaps being slightly picky, there was noticable scuffing on the dock in various places that was easily visible. I still need a docking station, but I don't think I'll be ordering another renewed product based on this experience!