A very sturdy twin arm monitor stand when assembled. Took me a while to realise the desk stand attachment was under a card strip in the bottom of the box. Took about 10 mins to assemble and another 15 to level the two AOC 24 in monitors. VESA brackets easy to attach to the back of rack monitor with the screws supplied. The screws have plastic thumb grip ends so we’re away to tighten - no need for a screw driver. Two of us dropped each monitor on the stand at the same time so it does not unbalance. Takes a little while to use the Allen key supplied to adjust the tilt of each screen as there is play in the vesa bracket where it slots on the arm. Just had to tighten it pretty firmly and let weight of monitor pull it down slightly till final tightening. Rotating bit seem stiff enough not to change when set horizontally, but again the slight play in the vesa mount means it takes a little bit of readjustment till perfect. With two 24 in monitors pushed right up together it is perfect. You can’t push it right up against the wall as the ‘elbows’ stick out at the back to get the monitors up edge to edge, but I expected that. Looks as if it is versatile. Son really pleased with the setup and gives more space on the desk. Cable management and all n key cradle is a useful bonus. If he ever needs to replace a monitor then he’d have to hope the vesa mount on the back of the monitor was at the same height as the screw height adjustment will only allow maybe 5+ mm.