Customer Review

  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 11 May 2008
    I was expecting big things from this game and it doesn't dissapoint. When I first started playing I thought it had lost something in the gameplay, but how wrong I was. The more you progress through the game the more you realise just how many side missions there are. It seems at first to be quite linear but after a while when you have met various people and they appear in your phone memory you work out that all the side missions are accessed from your phone and not little icons on the map like previous versions of the game. A nice touch is the internet cafe where you can check emails, browse a make belief web (well funny), date girls (and men!!!), Buy cars from an autotrader type site among other things. This is where you find the equivelant of the old import export missions too.
    The detail of the vehicles and the whole city is amazing, however the actual graphics resolution is not quite as good as some other recent games. Dont let this put you off though as they are still very good indeed, even if you can only display 720p/1080i as is the case with older consoles.
    The vehicles handle differently than previous versions but not worse. They seem more realistic than before and won't screech round hairpin bends at breakneck speeds anymore, but with a little prectise you will get the hang of slowing down for corners. I really like the new driving physics a lot. Just jump in a Dodge Charger, sorry, I mean a "Dukes" and hammer the throttle into a bend and watch it drift leaving black rubber marks and tyre smoke while the body rolls around like an old yank should. Or you could try a top heavy Escalade and watch it lean over while the front end looses traction on the tight turns.
    The main character Niko really comes to life and has more depth and personality than any gta character before him.
    Any gta fan giving this one a negative review surely has not given the game a chance or played long enough to give an informed review. Nothing has changed except maybe the exclusion of planes (I loved the dodo which CAN be flown indefinately). The game just got better and will live for a very long time before we see anything better.
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