Customer Review

  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 14 July 2018
    I bought this after trawling through all the different shampoos for seb dermatitis. mine had flared up big time over the few days previous & my scalp was beginning to drive me batty, pulling & twisting. I also symptoms on my face, ears & neck that were worsening rapidly. This condition is a horrible one, aside from looking like a glue sniffer, the pain is horrendous, the sensations on my skin make my nerves weak, it’s embarrassing, I worry about it worsening & stops me living my normal life. With that, I have struggled to find anything at all for my face or scalp that is in anyway helpful or beneficial to this condition. Even the more expensive products are all a complete waste of money & hope. After looking for a shampoo, I decided On this because it was the only shampoo that was fairly priced & it had some good reviews. When I applied it to my scalp & lathered it up, my poor head breathed a sigh of relief. Though it says don’t use to wash face etc like with some shampoos, I did use a little to wash my forehead & sides of my face which was also relieving. I left the shampoo on for about 10 minutes & then washed off & repeated the process. It was such a relief to have the shampoo on my head, I could have happily left it there & got on with my day but I washed it off. I was soon back to feeling itchy, tight & pully. my face got worse & areas became painful & ugly but that not bro g the shampoos fault. have lots of hair, it’s thick & frizzy. It’s been dry & knotty it weeks now. I have used the shampoo for 5 days now, though I feel no huge difference, washing my hair with it still gives some relief & once dried there are flakes around my hair line which I suppose is a good sign, at least things are starting to move off my scalp. My hair is also softer & isn’t knotting up as much. The market for shampoos, creams & treatments for conditions like this is just endless & so ridiculously priced, all aimed at desperate people looking to clear up a problem they’re struggling to control & putting hope into every single one of them only to be let down & out of pocket. I have a cupboard full of half full bottles of shampoo & pots of creams that ive used a couple of times. I decided to stop all of that & just take it back to basics in the hope that keeping things simple & less stressful would make a difference. This shampoo isn’t too dear & does offer some relief if only for the time it’s actually on your head. I’m going to stick with it for a while in the hope that not keep chopping & changing things will be beneficial & because it does seem to be losening things on my head a little. But mainly because I’m tired of looking for & spending money on overpriced treatments etc that do nothing other than make you feel like you’re running out of options. This condition is stressful enough. After washing with Neutrogena I use a tiny bit of conditioner on the ends of my hair with a few drops of clary sage or geranium essential oil in as they are both good for this condition.
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