Bought this from amazon between Christmas and New Year, going out for pub lunches,the morning after a few drinks out in car visiting friends. Obviously I do drive and need my license and respect the law,spend a bit of time looking at more expensive ones looking at the reviews on this breathalyser decided on this one for price accuracy and compact size. Happy with the purchase tried it a few times in my house, and happy with the results follow the instructions and enjoy your pub lunches.
Bought this from amazon between Christmas and New Year, going out for pub lunches,the morning after a few drinks out in car visiting friends. Obviously I do drive and need my license and respect the law,spend a bit of time looking at more expensive ones looking at the reviews on this breathalyser decided on this one for price accuracy and compact size. Happy with the purchase tried it a few times in my house, and happy with the results follow the instructions and enjoy your pub lunches.