I like these because they are natural and food based. When I take these every day, my two monthly migraines become just mere headaches, around 2/10 for pain. On the two months when I ran out so did not take them, my Migraines were utterly debilitating, 9/10 for pain and lasted for two days. Having since done some research on them, it would seem some doctors prescribe vitamin B2 specifically for migraine. For me personally, they are a life changing supplement, such is the impact they have on my Migraines, which arrive like clockwork, and are hormonal based, linked to my monthly cycle. My migraine even alternates on each eye socket, month by month - ( I wonder if this is possibly based on which ovary has dispersed an egg ? ). But whatever causes them, to not lose my eyesight for hours, and no longer remain in bed completely nauseous, is an absolute gift. At this point, I would never wish to skip them again.