Looks a nice cupboard, packaged very well too. But sadly despite taking our time checking everything the finished item isn't very sturdy and despite over an hour playing with the adjustments you can see from the side view the drawers are not matching up at all. Overall I probably wouldn't buy again, did expect something of better quality but it's here and will do the job and may even consider replacing after a while. Sadly I would not buy again. I'm 60 and my husband is 69yrs so experienced enough to know about flat packed furniture.
Looks a nice cupboard, packaged very well too. But sadly despite taking our time checking everything the finished item isn't very sturdy and despite over an hour playing with the adjustments you can see from the side view the drawers are not matching up at all. Overall I probably wouldn't buy again, did expect something of better quality but it's here and will do the job and may even consider replacing after a while. Sadly I would not buy again. I'm 60 and my husband is 69yrs so experienced enough to know about flat packed furniture.