Please save your money and do not buy these as they are totally useless. I bought two packages of these; yes 2,000 teeny tiny, thin absolutely useless mini mini cake liners. For many years I bought perfect sized grease proof liners (with no difficulty) for my two 8 section mini loaf tins, sometimes in multiples of 50 to 80, (4 packs each time) totaling 200 to 320 in total. They were priced very fairly and then they became unavailable. When I saw these 1,000 mini liners, this past summer, 2022, I did not do my normal research and impulsively bought 2 orders of 1,000 each, one yellow & one brown, almost £24 in total. When they arrived I thought that they must be a joke. I have since tried to use them to bake really really small mini finger sized cakes but they collapsed as soon as I put in the batter and made a mess of the mini cake tin. Trying to use such tiny liners is so frustrating and NOT helpful in the least; please save your money and buy proper sized mini loaf liners, if you can source a supplier. I have tried to donate the remaining 1,968 mini mini cake liners, but no wants them. Thank you.