Customer Review

  • Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 3 February 2018
    Really happy. The mat is much thicker and more durable than I'd expected - I really only bought it for comedy value, so the fact that it's also a solid, functional doormat is a bonus! As for the 'Weclome' design - well, it's funny on so many levels. Anyone who knows me is aware that I'm a stickler for spelling and grammar, so unless my visitors are Still Game fans, this is going to cause some confusion and hilarity! I plan not to mention it to anyone, and see what the responses are whenever someone comes to the door. My theory is that there will be three main types:
    1) Those who won't notice the misspelling at all
    2) Those who notice it and point it out, shocked that I would be so foolish as to accidentally buy a doormat with a spelling error
    3) Those who will laugh and say, "Brilliant! Still Game!!"
    And the visitors who fall into the third category shall be rewarded with a Tunnocks Teacake - as long as they promise not to do that really annoying thing of screwing up the foil into a little ball...
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4.6 out of 5 stars
602 global ratings