This is a entertaining film. Despite its shortcomings I think the actors and productions crew do their best to bring He-Man to life. To me it like a "What If" a more competent Skeletor had won and now He-man and his team were rebels trying to save Eternia.I think Frank Langella saves the film with performance he really seems to enjoy being a bad guy really stands out in this film. I loved the speech he give before Golden Warrior Super Skeletor. Lungren is fine as He-Man who else could of played him at the time. I think it was his first lead and you can tell it was early days as he was far superior in Universal Solider All the actor are pretty charming in an old fashion way the good guys are good and the bad guy are bad simple. Even the Orko type character does come of as annoying. I just think just think budget issues hindered the film from being fully realised. I think the blue ray audio and video are ok I didn't notice anything that put me off enjoying this film. Not a lot of extra apart from the commentary and behind the scene featured I liked it more than when watched it as a kid. Like I said its a enjoyable romp that not too long like some film today that don't know when to end.