I've owned a few different sunrise alarm clocks, but this by far the best! The physical buttons are great for when you're getting sleepy and can feel for the button to turn off the light/sound. This is the first one I've had with options for different weekday, weekend and everyday alarms, I love that! No more changing manually ever Friday and Sunday night.
The colour gladient lights are fantastic, I never used to use those but with this alarm clock the gradient lights are so relaxing.
The sounds are also great (most of them anyway), there are so many different sounds programmed in that actually sound good and realistic, I've had ones before were the sounds are awful and/or ridiculous, so I've never used them but I actually use the rainfall and thunderstorm ones with this one.
Overall fantastic! And I'll buy this version over and over again.
(Extra note - the worst one I've owned is a flat circular clock face with an interface with flat buttons on, you can't figure out sleepily where the off button is as they all feel the game, and it turns bright green before turning off, waking you up which is super annoying, plus the sounds are awful.)