It arrives well packaged, and inside the outer cardboard box there's a very sturdy plastic case containing the D7 itself, a mains charger, and an OBD cable. It's very neatly put away when you're not using it. I let it update itself when I first switched it on, and be aware that you need to make time for this - I'm not certain exactly how long it took but it was over an hour. I guess you could use it straight away without updating it if you were in a hurry though. I've only used it on one car so far but it seems to support every car brand I can think of. On my Lexus LS600hL I was able to see the data I was looking for, which was the voltages of the individual cells in the hybrid traction battery. I was also able to clear some old codes. Customer support (via email) is very good if you have any questions.