Alexa Test Skills Notice

As part of ÍøÆغÚÁÏ's skill testing service, you may be provided access to certain Alexa skills that are not yet available to the general public ("Test Skills").

Test Skills are still under development by the skill publisher and may contain defects, bugs, faults, or other issues that could impair their performance or the performance of your devices.

ÍøÆغÚÁÏ does not test the Test Skills and makes no guarantees about their performance.

The publisher of a Test Skill may not provide technical or other support for such skill.

If you participate in testing, the publisher of the Test Skill may be able to associate your usage of the Test Skill with you.

We may solicit your feedback on Test Skills. If you provide such feedback, we and the publisher will be free to exercise all rights in such feedback without restriction. You will not be compensated for evaluating any Test Skill or for any feedback you submit.

Test Skills may stop working at any time without notice, because the publisher has ended testing or for other reasons. When a Test Skill stops working, you may lose any lists, high scores, achievements, and other items you have in such skill.

Your use of the Test Skills is subject to the Alexa Terms of Use.

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