
We make recommendations based on your interests.

We examine the items that you've purchased, items that you've told us you own and items that you've rated. We compare your activity on our site with that of other customers and, using this comparison, recommend other items that may interest you on the Your ÍøÆغÚÁÏ page.

Your recommendations change regularly based on a number of factors, including when you purchase or rate a new item, and changes in the interests of other customers like you. Because your recommendations fluctuate, we suggest that you add items that interest you to your Wish List or shopping basket.

Note: You may occasionally be recommended items that you've already purchased from ÍøÆغÚÁÏ. If this happens, it's likely that we are recommending an edition that's different from the one you've purchased (for example, paperback, hardcover, Kindle). We generally screen out other editions from your recommendations, but a few titles may get past our filters. For steps on how to remove these titles, go to Remove titles from your recommendations.

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