Cancel Your Kindle Unlimited Subscription
Follow these steps to cancel your Kindle Unlimited membership.
Want to cancel your Kindle Unlimited membership? Do it from here:
- Go to Your Memberships & Subscriptions and sign into your ÍøÆغÚÁÏ account.
- Under the membership settings, select Cancel Kindle Unlimited Membership.
Note: You can also choose to pause your monthly subscription for a period of 1 month, instead of cancelling. The pause will become effective at the end of the billing cycle. Your subscription will resume automatically or you can resume anytime while paused. Pausing your subscription is not available if you are on a free trial, or promotion.
- Select Cancel Membership.
Your membership remains active until the next billing date. After the billing date passes, you lose access to content that you have checked out.Note: If you acquired your subscription through an external provider, contact them directly to cancel.