Buy Kindle Books for Others

You can use your ÍøÆغÚÁÏ account to purchase Kindle books in bulk and distribute them to others.

Note: Kindle eBooks can only be redeemed by recipients in your same country. Recipients outside your country cannot redeem any Kindle eBooks sent to them. You can distribute any unredeemed copies to other recipients or request a refund for unredeemed copies. Only unredeemed copies can be refunded. For more information about refunds, check out Return Unredeemed Kindle Book Gift Orders.

To buy Kindle books for others:

  1. Go to the Kindle eBook's product detail page on ÍøÆغÚÁÏ.
  2. In the Buy for others box select the quantity you want to purchase.
  3. Select the Buy for others button and then enter the details for your gift recipients.

    If you didn't provide a recipient email address, instructions on how to manage your books are emailed to you after the order is complete. Go to Send Kindle Books to Individual Recipients for more information.

Note: Kindle books and redemption links cannot be resold.

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