Where is My ÍøÆغÚÁÏ Fresh Order?
Troubleshooting for ÍøÆغÚÁÏ Fresh orders not yet received.
Check your e-mail
If there's an issue with your order, we'll have sent you an e-mail to alert you of any problems we encountered.
SMS Messaging / Mobile App Notification
To receive the most up to date information on the whereabouts of your ÍøÆغÚÁÏ Fresh order, we recommend you sign-up to receive text and/or mobile notifications. For more information, visit Delivery Notifications.
Verify your order completed the checkout process
In the Your Orders section of Your Account, find the order in question. If you don't see the order listed under Your Orders, check to see whether the items are still in your Shopping Basket. If the items are still in your Shopping Basket, your order hasn't yet been checked out. Verify your order has processed.
Confirm that the order status is listed as Delivered or Arriving
If the item isn't out for delivery yet, your order will indicate the day and time it's expected to be delivered in the Your Orders section.
Check your scheduled delivery day
In the Your Orders section of Your Account, find your order and confirm the delivery date and time.
Check the delivery address
In the Your Orders section of Your Account, find your order. Click on View and confirm that the delivery address listed matches the address where you're awaiting the delivery.
If your order still hasn't been delivered or you need to update the delivery time or address, please contact us.